We've been SO busy - it's tough to post with school and trying to get lots of quality time in with Stella. I really do love fall even if it means going back to school. I love the cool, crisp, foggy mornings, wearing sweaters, and baking. (pumpkin drop cookies are my ABSOLUTE favs although I made chocolate chip for Jim this morning.) Stella's new favorite fall thing is "hot cocoa". Hearing her say it is the cutest thing ever! It's also darling when she says, "thanks Mama" without prompting!
One thing I love about fall that I wait ALL YEAR for is my little pumpkin. I get smallish pumpkins from the store and carve it. I never used to bother with a face, I would just carve random shapes in it. This year I carved a happy little face for Stella. I rub the top with spices (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg,...) and burn it on my kitchen counter. It's the most amazing smell throughout the entire house. They don't last terribly long, but I have 2 more here waiting when this one gets mushy!

I've been trying to do a little bit of decorating. I saw a blog post about using frosted glass spray-paint and knew it would be perfect for a cabinet in my bathroom but also thought it would be fun to try on other random things around the house. I haven't tried it yet, but on a similar note check out my Ross find! A darling apothecary jar with an "S" already etched in it! I found the pinecones with little pumpkins and gourds in it at Michaels and we had instant fall. I'd still like to do more, but at least I have a little bit of fall going for now.

As for my mood - things are getting better. We're finding our school groove (I still wish I had an extra day or two off a week though!)
Here she is with her "hot" cocoa. Too bad I can't get her to turn away from the movie to face the camera!
I love the idea of putting the spices in the top of the pumpkin. I'm sure your house smells so delicious. I sometimes will mix my own carpet freshener for our upstairs carpet. baking soda mixed with a bit of cinnamon, cloves, etc. Leave on over night and then vacuum in the morning. I've been seeing that etched glass around too. Never done it, but seems like a nice idea, Especially for larger dollar store frames. I'm thinking you could remove the back, so you just have the glass (or mirror would work too) and the frame. Then etch something. Saw someone do a silhouette of their kid, looked super awesome. :)
Ooooh...that burning spices in the pumpkin is a great idea. I bet is smells AMAZING!
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