
Friday, October 29, 2010

19 weeks!

Ok, so I'm a bit late, but here it is!

And... I'm thinking I'm going to do a little house tour of the new digs. Mostly so that someday (hopefully when this place looks like the picture I have in my head) I can look back and remember how far we've come. Plus, who doesn't like to look into other people's houses? I know I do! It will take a while to get pictures, but I'd like to post pictures of each room along with our (ok, my) plans for them. In addition to documenting the before pictures, it will help me organize what I want and get down what I like/dislike about each room. Plus, I've noticed that sometimes I see things in a different light in pictures. I wish I'd taken pictures before we moved in so we could have some true "befores" and have actual photos of the hideous paint colors, but we'll have to start from here. I wish we could go crazy and do everything now, but I know it will come in time and hope that this house will be whipped into shape before Stella leaves for college! Hopefully I'll get room 1 in sometime next week.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

So very very wrong

We went for our ultrasound Friday morning. (After a VERY rough Thursday night in which Jim and our puppy got attacked by a dog in our driveway. It's a long terrifying story and the dog is still limping, but we can't stop thinking how lucky we were that Stella was with them!)

Anyway... obviously, our first concern was for this little one to be healthy. I've been so paranoid this time around. Since I might be 35 when No. 2 is born, we had extra genetic testing where she described all of the markers they look for which could indicate down syndrome and other birth defects. She also showed us the chart in which birth defects skyrocket after age 35. SCARY!

We were CERTAIN that this one was a boy. Jim's aunt (who predicted us getting pregnant with Stella before we did had told us a boy was coming. Sounds like nothing to you I know, but this woman isn't wrong about things.) We've had a boy name picked out that we are in love with since we were pregnant with Stella, and all we thought about was boy things. How to decorate his nursery, what Saturday football games would be like, how it would be boys against girls. Jim already had plans in the making to take him to watch big machinery work. So, I have to admit, we were both shocked (and kind of dissappointed) when he said it was a girl.

Can you believe that I was sad? What a JERK! I told him that a year ago if I had known I would shed tears when we found out it was a girl I would have honestly punched myself in the face! We didn't think No. 2 was going to happen for us. We were on our 8th or 9th (and final) IUI. I had just gotten paperwork in the mail about adoption the week before. I'd prepared myself to deal with the fact that Stella might be an only child, and here I was dissappointed! Honestly, I could not have felt worse about myself.

I know that it's going to be great. I'm thrilled because I know that they'll be great friends when they grow up and I'm sure be closer than a girl/boy would have. Plus, I feel like girls stay closer to their parents when they're adults. At the time however, all I could think of would be the things we would miss. Stella is such my little pal. We do so much together, she likes to cook, craft, shop, etc. I really wanted Jim to experience that. I wanted to look out in the backyard and watch them throwing the football. I also wanted to know what it was like to have a son. So many people say that sons love their moms differently and I wanted to know what that felt like.

I just laugh at people who say, "Well, maybe you'll have to have 3." Um, no. Neither of us are up for any more trips to the Dr. to get preggo!

We're getting used to the idea (it's taking longer for him), and I know that it will be amazing. We quickly found ourselves saying "she" and "her" after 4 1/2 months of referring to it as he. Jim even said I look different to him now. How funny. He's almost acting like I'm more fragile since there's a girl instead of a boy in my belly. Isn't that crazy???

So, more pink, more babies, and more tea parties are on our horizon!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

18 weeks

We find out if we'll be buying a football or drowning in more pink on Friday!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 17

It would be great if I knew how to make the pictures bigger...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week 16

So, not only is my husband NOT a photographer as I stated in my last post, it turns out he's completely impatient and annoyed by me asking him to take these pictures. Granted, I may be a bit bossy about it and the dog and daughter are running around our feet playing/fighting/crying, but still, this is a big deal so I'm going to keep pushing him to take more! (That picture on the right? That's me laughing at him being a big grump!)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

15 weeks (a week late)

So, I saw this series and loved it! We took weekly pics of the belly with Stella, and I tried to write letters to her as we went along, but that never goes as planned. I thought this would be a great way to watch the belly grow and document what's going on at the same time. I'm doing this more for us to look back on (and I think I'll have a little book made at some point), so if it's not remotely interesting to you I apologize!

*Please keep in mind that the man taking the photos in the link is a PHOTOGRAPHER and his wife is ADORABLE! Thus, our pictures will be MUCH less impressive, but again, it's more for us to look back on. (side note - who are all of these people have expansive bare walls to use as backdrops for pictures? We barely have a foot and a half of bare wall in the entire house!)

This was last weeks, week 16 is coming soon. (I'm sure you're holding your breathe waiting!)