5) We cut the molding and attached it using Gorilla glue and finishing nails. The nails were just to hold the molding down flat while the glue dried - that stuff is STRONG!
Monday, February 28, 2011
I should have taken pictures for this "tutorial"
5) We cut the molding and attached it using Gorilla glue and finishing nails. The nails were just to hold the molding down flat while the glue dried - that stuff is STRONG!
Friday, February 25, 2011
We had one last ultrasound to check my placenta. While we were there we asked the (SUPER nice) tech to double check to be sure No. 2 IS a girl. She still is, so I can actually finish up the nursery now and I finally cut the tags off all of the clothes we've bought and washed/put them away. We've never had a 3D ultrasound before, and she offered to get a couple of pictures for us. Here No. 2 is covering her nose with her hand:

Here is her face without her hand: (I haven't seen a lot of these, but those cheeks look HUGE) I actually asked the tech if she looked freakishly big. I was assured she looks normal. Wednesday I went in for my weekly check and he said that all of my signs "bode well for someone who isn't going to make it to my due date." We'll see, with Stella, I KNEW she wasn't going to come early. Even 2 days before my due date I wasn't thinking about going into labor. I haven't felt that way this time and now that he's said that I'm thinking it might be time to start the final preps like packing a bag and getting the carseat base in the car. Not that I think it's going to happen today or anything like that, but it would be good to have it all done.

We also got some of the projects done around the house. We made ourselves a headboard! We haven't had an actually headboard for years, and I've been wanting one. Someday we'll buy all new bedroom furniture for grown-ups, but there are so many other things higher on our priority list right now. Though I love our bedroom, it just hasn't felt like we've done anything with it other than paint and move in. Just a few weeks ago we hung a picture frame system.
Here's a picture (terrible quality because I had to get it off of Zillow) of our last bedroom. That quilt was ONLY for staging - we HATED it! We didn't have a headboard then either, but I really liked having the lights above the bed. It was so nice not to have to get up to turn the lights out if someone was reading or something. We didn't like the look for our new room though so the picture and lights were donated.

I saw a picture of a headboard online made out of doors that had sconces built in - I LOVED it and talked my reluctant husband into helping. We're both thrilled with how it turned out. It actually makes the room seem a bit smaller, but adds a ton to the room! So... here it is:
We went to bed early last night just so I could lay there and knit and enjoy the new lights!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Always busy!
So now, we have a 3 day vacation from school, and on top of 3 Dr appointments, gymnastics, and trips to 4 different stores for returns/last minute things (on top of normal things like the grocery store, house cleaning, etc) our to-do list consists of:
* make a headboard
* oil the counters
* grout tile
* put together the bassinette
* pillows for the nursery
Speaking of nursery, it's been pointed out that a few people are waiting for some new pictures. It's going to have to wait a bit. We still have some stuff to finish up (pillows, mirror, pictures, etc) and currently it's being used as the headboard construction area.
I can say that one thing I've been happy to cross off the list is a hat for No. 2. I never seem to have much time to knit anymore and I miss it! I got one hat done (which I have NO idea if it will fit a newborn), another on the needles, yarn for a third, and a throw for the bed in the nursery also on the needles. It's been so relaxing to get back into that! Here's the first (no pink!):
This is up next - I think you have to be on ravelry to view it, and the third will be a creamy textured yarn hat with earflaps and ties!
Yesterday Stell was invited to a princess party by her cousin. It was awesome and deserves a post of its own!
I guess after seeing that list I should get off the computer and get to work!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Catching up
It's pretty surprising how well Jim and I work together. Not everyone can do things like this together - we're lucky. Our strengths also compliment one another very well. One thing that we learned from doing this project: when we redo the kitchen for "real" we won't be doing laminate floors. They look great when they're clean, but they aren't nearly as tough as our slate tile was in the old house and it looks dirty SO quickly. I'm 98% sure that when we do the major renovation we'll go with slate again (and probably do it ourselves again)!
I still need to put together a post on the other kitchen improvements. I'll try to get some better after pictures of the floors too!