Friday, January 21, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Anyway, on to the "indecision" portion of the post...
Jim's in the process of patching the holes left by the wiring, and I'm trying to reorganize and clear out the nursery. We have six paint swatches up on the wall. Again, turquoise is SO hard to pick! Three of them were easily eliminated, a fourth is pretty much out of the running, so it's come down to two. As soon as I put them on the wall I knew which one Jim would like and he knew which I would like! (unfortunately, they are not the same one)
This first picture is one of them on one of her walls (I did it on two walls) One of us likes the one in the middle, but I'm afraid it will be too bright and jarring, the other likes the one on the far right, but I'm afraid it will be too light and not have the impact we want...

This picture is actually the room that got me going on our whole color scheme! I love it SO much and would love to just put it straight into our house. It's Robin's Nest (the far right one)

Another nursery done in the same color.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Nursery "Art" and more Publisher Love
I'm planning the nursery, and I want to do an arrangement of white frames. A lot of the frames will have pictures in them, but I also wanted some other things in the frames. Neither of these ideas are my originals (as usual), but I'm a master copier. The first is a quote I saw from someone else's nursery. It's pretty straight forward, I just made it in Publisher and saved it as a JPEG. I'll print it as a 6x4 and pop it in a frame for a sweet little saying and a bit o' color. (Unless I find another quote I like better... for about $0.10 I can change my mind without feeling guilty.)

This is the one I'm really excited about! I did pay for the darling little owl on Etsy, and I had the digital stationary from last year's Valentine's Day pack I got from Etsy. This is NOT the print that will go in the frame. I'm pretty sure we've come up with a name we both love, but with 10 weeks left I still reserve the right to change my mind and we'll wait to share her name until her arrival. BUT - I thought that Joy would be a good temporary word as that's pretty much what we're filled with right now. This print will be an 8x10 and I can't wait to see it together with some of the other things in the nursery!

As far as progress in the nursery goes - there hasn't been much. We still haven't cleared the room out (though I just bought 5 storage bins to go under beds to help us organize some of the stuff), we have to patch SIX holes in the walls before we can paint because the previous owner used it as a media room, and we're trying to pick the perfect shade of turquoise. Do you have any idea of how tough that color is???
Monday, January 10, 2011
Pinkalicious Party!
Goody bags: we got cupcake socks, pink chapstick, headbands, push pops, cupcake wands, and Pinkalicious books.
Stella and Kenzie checking out the Pinkalicious book and doll along with some of the pink goodies.
Lanterns that didn't stay lit along with the beginnings of the Italian meat tray/sandwich tradition!
More of the pink table: (You can just barely see the green table in the back)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Thank you's take II

Thank you's

For each card I opened a 4x6 blank page and inserted a picture (my goal is to have a picture of Stella with the gift). Then I added the rectangle, filled in the color, and finally a text box. I try to have the colors go with the picture and type my little "thank you". Then, I save it as a jpeg and upload to a photo printing site. I used Walgreens today and they were ready within an hour. I typically use A6 envelopes from Michaels, but they're a bit pricey and it's out of my way. This time I picked up a box of 50 invitation envelopes from Wallys and they'll fit perfectly.
While I'm as big a fan of a hand-written note as the next gal, I like to think that the people who took the time to pick out a gift for her enjoy getting a picture with their note.
Since her birthday and Christmas are so close together (4 days), I decided to try something new for her birthday thank you cards this year. If I were to do them again I'd tweak them a bit, but I was pretty happy with how they turned out. I'll try to get those up in the next day or two!